Saturday, July 18, 2009

Household odds and ends.

An easy way to go green, learn a simple single crochet stitch and make your dish rags out of organic cotton yarn! Takes a little practice but you will find within a few days you can have color coordinated, enviro-friendly dish cloths that cost less than buying them. AND you can brag to all your friends about how hippie-savy you are. Creating instead of very green of you!

Here is my fav Utube video for crocheting

A while

Ok, its been a while since I've posted but sometimes summer happens. My newest tip for you pet owners...add a little distilled white vinegar to your pets drinking water, this will help to deter fleas. Also, when you bath your pets, add the juice of half a lemon to their coat during the rinse cycle. Fleas dislike this.