Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Tie'em up

Had to go to the store today to get some accessories for tomatoes. Many of my tomato plants are getting huge, and aren't supported well enough. This is the first year I've really gotten tomato plants to do anything other than die. That being the case, I did some very poor planting and staking. Several of my tomato  plants are large and now toppling over. We went and bought 2 tomato cages and a pack of bamboo stakes and ties. While making a stake line for our Yellow Pear tomatoes one of the plants broke. (So the Kid fed it to Jeff, her adopted Horn Worm.) Our Yellow Pears are approximately 3 feet tall.

Next, we staked up the Yellow Cherry tomato. This plant is approximately 5 feet tall. It has produced some delicious fruit and still has plenty of blooms and fruit growing. Then I staked one of the Black Krims. This plant is 5.6 feet tall and huge! It has blooms but no fruit. This is the same plant that led to the dreaded Wasp sting! IT HAD BETTER FRUIT SOON! Then I staked the other Black Krim that had fallen ...and couldn't get up.

It rained this evening, after I watered the plants. It keeps doing that.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Some tasties

These are some of the first veggies from this years garden. Yellow cherry tomatoes, Yellowboy tomatoes, green bell peppers, and a cucumber. They were delicious.

These are the carrots I harvested from the side garden. I cleaned them, sauteed them in butter and honey. They were delicious. I didn't even have to peel them.


Monday, May 31, 2010

Perils of Gardening

Well, as much as we may love our garden/yard sometimes it doesn't love us back. We (Kiddo and Me) went out to water the veggies today. I noticed that my biggest Black Krim tomato plant had fallen *ACK*. So, we grabbed the twine and knife and started to doctor her up. I reached around our fence to attach the string and guess what I found?? A hornets nest. Guess what stung me?? A hornet. Several came bounding out to defend hearth and home. I yelled at the kid, and fled frantically, flailing at the hornet stuck to my arm. Half of my left forearm is now the color of ohhhhhh, a Brandy Wine tomato and angry...very angry. The Kid doctored me up and off we went to finish watering because "gardening ain't for wimps". Or as the Kid said gardening is for "hardcore women and quick thinkers". (Cuz she rocks!)

So, we got all the veggies watered and proceeded to perk up some petunias. When I look back at our garage door and what do I see? A garden the TOP of our garage door where the door meets the wall. Snake..chillin. Up high. In my garage crack. Starring at us. So, since she ain't no wimp, is a hardcore women, and a quick thinker, the Kid grabs the broom to get the snake down. Unfortunately, the snake is perhaps a quicker thinker and slithered right back into the garage. Up high. OMG! Darn. So, now we have a snake in our garage, because of course we couldn't find it when we went into the garage.

This is a clear case of our yard NOT loving us today. In fact, it may down right despise us.
By the way, the garage is where I do the laundry. Where a snake is roaming free as I type. Maybe I'll make the Kid do the laundry, she is much more fearless than I.